The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37626   Message #526388
Posted By: Jon Freeman
12-Aug-01 - 08:41 PM
Thread Name: This site is NOT like all the rest.
Subject: RE: This site is NOT like all the rest.
Peter T, I wasn't around at the start so I honestly can't tell although I seem to remember raising the question in my early time I was here about whether there was a good old day and seem to remember Rick Fielding anwering that things did change and he learn't to adapt - I've always beleived there were changes since then. More recently I read an answer by spaw about gargolye that again seemed to indicate there were changes... perhaps I've been listening to the wrong people - I am in no position to judge but would be interested to hear from other parties...

As for the rest, I can only say that you perfectly illustrate the sickness around here. Why condemn without at least providing arguments or trying to put the other side down? The most I have proposed in terms of change is to provide space for some potentially troublesome areas that seem to recurr with no resolution and to try to help them grow and yet all you can do is yawn. The rest of my stuff has been trying to analyse reasons for circular patterns in all my time here.
