The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37626   Message #526918
Posted By: Peter T.
13-Aug-01 - 03:12 PM
Thread Name: This site is NOT like all the rest.
Subject: RE: This site is NOT like all the rest.
The remarks by Guest are hilarious, it must be a sendup. The vast world hierarchical conspiracy. If I read this right, one group wants to restrict this site to music threads of some kind, which will have presumably have to be monitored to keep out anything that isn't directly related to music, however you decide that, I have no idea. How this is supposed to work, I don't know. Purist Folk Music Police, I guess. In the meantime, the vicious cabal who run the place (from Moscow) don't care, who knows what folk music is, but whatever interests you, go ahead, as long as you act reasonably humanely, and don't wreck the place. I can certainly see why the second group is so dangerous, and must be stopped.

This nuttiness goes on. Many of the regulars here are music people and are interested in music. They don't go into music threads to twist them to their own nefarious purposes. They start music threads! Speaking for myself, I am starting music threads all the time, and some of them go somewhere and some go nowhere. Them's the breaks.

And then there is this nonsense: This dominant group is so entrenched, because Max has institutionalized their power through the most significant changes in Mudcat since it's inception: introduction of the BS threads, and the creation of a Mudcat elite through the creation of two-tier posting. Max had nothing to do with the introduction of BS threads, they just happened. I forget who came up with the name. The idea that BS threads are institutionalized (whatever that means) is crazy: they were a gesture to separate out threads for the benefit of people who wanted music threads! I have no idea what two tier posting means -- is that where Joe says "I cleaned up this space for your benefit?" The guy who makes this place easier for everyone? Is that what you are objecting to?

Jon, your offer and the fact that it hasn't been taken up is probably due to all sorts of factors. The only one that makes immediate sense in this context is that people here don't want to be shunted somewhere else. They like being here. They like 3 ring circuses. Everyone has a selective device close to hand: click the things that might interest you, and don't click the others. There is no centre stage here, there is a weird ecology of cross-pollination. It is noisy, carny-like, in this booth you can hear the cheap organ from the next booth, and some people thrive on it, and some people don't. You want to start a thread on Songs about Asparagus, go ahead. You want to start a thread that you are having difficulty getting over griefs in the family, you go ahead. You want to start a thread on how music helps the disabled and the elderly, you go ahead. You want to start a thread on whether Snuffy Jenkins was the true founder of Bluegrass, go ahead. You want to start a thread on medieval modal tunings (I have), go ahead. BUT WILL SOMEONE TELL ME: HOW IS THIS A REPRESSIVE CONSPIRACY?????

yours in his black cloak, Peter T.