The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37626   Message #526926
Posted By: Geoff the Duck
13-Aug-01 - 03:17 PM
Thread Name: This site is NOT like all the rest.
Subject: RE: This site is NOT like all the rest.
The Mudcat is a Wonderful place - sometimes frisky, sometimes informative, other times slack or boring. That is what happens in real life!
I have been visiting the 'Cat for about 18 Months, and have never been able to see any evidence of this mythical Inner Clique referred to by some people. Failing to see any evidence I assume that it is a myth created by someone with a grudge against some other individual or individuals - Also something found in real life. I have heard the self same accusations about Folk Clubs, Dance Teams, Pubs, Sporting Supporters Clubs, The Campaign for Real Ale, You name it - the same mud will have been thrown by somebody. In many Real World situations I have witnessed, the accusation has comes from somebody who would like to form an inner clique, but others are not interested in joining it!
Certain members and named guests have specific criticisms of the way the Mudcat happens - they are entitled to these - some I would agree with, others perhaps not and in some cases I do not have experiences which would allow me to make a valid comment. I would view a gathering of clones who blindly agreed with each other, or Yes Men who only followed a Leader as not a place for me!
At its worst the mudcat can be tedious, uninspired and petty. At its best it is inspiring, technical queries are answered within seconds of posting, the information you receive is so far beyond what you thought that you had requested that it is overwhelming. Certain individuals can be abrasive, impolite and occasionally downright nasty - (sometimes with good reason). At other times the same individuals may be courteous, amusing and incredibly heplful. We all have good days and bad days, people we like and others we cannot stand to be in the same room with. This again reminds me of real life!
There are vicious nasty thugs who hide away and do the cyber equivalent of smearing our doors with excreta - just like vandals in the real world.
I originally arrived at the site because of the Digital Tradition. When I started to also read the threads, I was intrigued. It took some time to work out what the BS prefix referred to. I now see it as an extremely astute solution to the problem of separating technical queries from the idle chit-chat which many Mudcatters see as an important reason to visit at all. I enjoy taking part in threads about banjo playing, obscure instruments, ethnic customs (European / Asian / North American etc.) I am interested in reading the erudite discussions on origin of songs/tunes. I am fascinated by the depth of knowledge and talent shown by contributors, both regulars and more occasional visitors. - When none of the threads offers this kind of interest I can join in with the Bullshit to pass the time until another interesting thread appears.
If it wasn't for the BS threads I would spend less time at the Mudcat, and would as a result have missed out on some of the more intersting SERIOUS threads.
The Mudcat is to some extent what you make it for yourself. You can pick and choose the parts which interest you. You can decide who to join in with and who to avoid. You can even be a disruptive Troll or Flamer, much as I personally abhor such antisocial behaviour, as it is purely intended to spoil things for everyone else, and I do not think that is fair treatment of us!
Some of the people who have contributed to this thread see a community - I am one of them, and am happy to take part in it. Others do not see a community - that is their privilege and opinion. Some posters obviously believe that a community exists, and go to extreme lengths to attempt to sabotage that community.
It all seems to me very similar to the Real World, and why on earth should I expect it to be different? I have made new friends through the Mudcat. I have renewed acquaintanceship with people who I had lost touch with in the Land of 3D years back! I expect to chance across people who I like, Ones I dislike and ones who pass by without making any impression either way!
I am part of a community! It is my gain. Quack!
Geoff the Duck!