The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37626   Message #526989
Posted By: Jon Freeman
13-Aug-01 - 04:36 PM
Thread Name: This site is NOT like all the rest.
Subject: RE: This site is NOT like all the rest.
[Pater T] Jon, your offer and the fact that it hasn't been taken up is probably due to all sorts of factors. The only one that makes immediate sense in this context is that people here don't want to be shunted somewhere else. They like being here. They like 3 ring circuses.

Peter T, the fact of the matter is that there is some shunting around and some people are not posting what they want to or wanted to, the healing threads being a classic example. Allowing somewhere where these things happen is trying to provide a soultion, one that could perhaps grow to several more specialised areas, expand the Mudcat for specific intrests groups and perhaps if successful be adopted at Mudcat at a later date. I am dissapointed but not surprised to see you suggest that a constructive offer may be seen as shoving around.

[Peer T] Everyone has a selective device close to hand: click the things that might interest you, and don't click the others. There is no centre stage here, there is a weird ecology of cross-pollination. It is noisy, carny-like, in this booth you can hear the cheap organ from the next booth, and some people thrive on it, and some people don't.

I do just that and I enjoy some music threads and some BS threads and it makes no real difference to me whether BS is lumped in or not (OK I prefer split but it is nothing for me to get excited about - certainly not within the type of levels that I normaly see here). What you are failing to realise is that the main difference on this between me and some others here is that I am prepared to listen to the problems others have with the forum and am prepared to bend, be prepared to look at reasons why things may break down at times here and possibly even try to come up with new solutions that may help certain situations. Some others tend to comment on how wonderful and caring they are but don't seem to be willing to show the same degree flexibility or consideration for others.

kat, I chose not to respond to your posting as I saw no reason to. You mentioned the acrominy as one of your reasons. Wouldn't doing what I suggested remove that obstacle and help you conduct something that judging by the threads, you want to do but keep coming against protests many of which are (I think reasonably) based on sheer volume?

McGrath, maybe I will try anoher thread as you suggested rather than just give up. At least you do seem to see some possible potential for good in it - perhaps there is hope yet.
