The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37626   Message #527026
Posted By: JenEllen
13-Aug-01 - 05:19 PM
Thread Name: This site is NOT like all the rest.
Subject: RE: This site is NOT like all the rest.
Of course there is hope. There is always hope. Just as there are always people who are more willing to open their mouths than they are their eyes. And just the same as in any situation, you will have friends, you will have acquaintances, and you will find people that you would just do better to stay away from. Don't rise to the bait and you don't end up as dinner.

The same clique bullshit has been bandied around for as long as I can remember. Does it ever get solved? Nope. Not likely to happen, either. However, I have yet to find a 'Catter that will not respond politely to a well-worded question, and the answers I've gotten have been wonderfully helpful. The best I can do is to try and respond in kind.

Stuff I've learned/done on Mudcat this week?: Learned I'm not the only one who laughs herself to tears at Stan Freberg's 'Elderly Man River'. I'm learning about fingerpicking and rebuilding mandolins. I've researched a few songs for guests. I've learned about musical/musician history and got a head start on Jazz music. I've written a couple songs, and learned about omnidirectional microphones for recording them. My guitar is tuned correctly, and can be tuned to a CD now. I've learned new songs for Alex's gathering. I've also learned that I'm not the only one who's had to put up with pathetic pick-ups (guitar and men both) and shared a laugh or two about that. I've also learned that there are more versions of the 3 Jovial Huntsmen than I can shake a stick at. Also countless other observations that are none of your damned business. All of these things are invaluable gifts from the people that inhabit this strange little site, and I'm not sure I could find them elsewhere, or that I'd want to.

I don't necessarily have the time or inclination to respond to everything, but I still use the tool. I can't thank Max enough. If it weren't to my liking, I would leave. If it isn't to yours, I can only suggest the same.