The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37626   Message #527052
Posted By: JenEllen
13-Aug-01 - 05:41 PM
Thread Name: This site is NOT like all the rest.
Subject: RE: This site is NOT like all the rest.
Dear Guest,

I apologize. What I so ineloquently tried to say was that if a certain thread or post isn't to 'my' liking, I just leave it alone. And that even if I don't jump on the bandwagon and shout 'yea-team!' everytime something good comes up, I still appreciate in my own way.

I'm not suggesting that anyone should pack up kit and make tracks, but that if something offends you, perhaps try to think if it is truly offensive, or just 'one of those things that people will do'. PMs are a great resource for just that sort of thing. Take the time for one-on-one and decide if it's really worth it to drag someone to the mat over something as inconsequential as a misplaced phrase. As you say, holding the mirror up...well, we all have our bad hair days.

The benefit of this place far outweighs any discomfort I have felt. I have a right to my point of view, as do you yours. I guess I am just curious as to why people would be willing to attack each other over and again for just this sort of thing.