The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37626   Message #527354
Posted By: Jon Freeman
13-Aug-01 - 10:47 PM
Thread Name: This site is NOT like all the rest.
Subject: RE: This site is NOT like all the rest.
Geoff, when you say "here are people out there who care", I get the feeling, perhaps wrongly, that you are reffering to the healing circle. Assuming I am right, make no mistake. I have no special interest in any such things and would not be a participant in any regular way. It was an offer to try to help others interests within this forum and is not a reflection on my views regarding healing and only an example of an area that maybe could be further developed within this group.

kat, I can't remember there being a conscensious on the split vs lumped although you could be right. In any case, Max made his veiws clear and as far as I'm concerned as I said before, that is no big deal either way. It is not an issue in itself that I would make a fight over.

I'll try to repeat myself and see if I make any sense this time:

The problem I have is that I see many repeated arguements which largely do not affect me as an individual but seem to have driven some people who I would consider valuable out and silence others and perhaps even as you suggested drive others (including past regulars) to anonymity and in even worse cases seem to have ended up driven to playing obnoxious roles such as gargoyle.

I see a forum that claims to be a community but seems to do little to understand the needs (which are not neccessarily mine) of certain members but I see nothng in the way of attempt to address them or perhaps work on compromise - in fact, I see attitudes that seem to suggest that "anyone who doesn't think or function my way must be nuts because... or should leave"...

Worst of all, I see people arugeing that such a community isn't (what's that word?) dysfunctional - it is to the extent of getting everyone involved in ways they feel comfortable and at times has ways of putting he back up of anyone who doesn't fit and makes matters worse.
