The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37626   Message #527751
Posted By: Jon Freeman
14-Aug-01 - 12:47 PM
Thread Name: This site is NOT like all the rest.
Subject: RE: This site is NOT like all the rest.
Peter, who's proposing a purely music site? Not me that's for sure.

Don't make too much of the healing circle. It is merely an example of where things have gone wrong. One of the unresolved issues with the healing circle and the main one I am trying to address with my suggestion is one of volume although courtesy does come into it to. It doesn't take much to work out what would happen if everyone started these things and we have several of the threads running - that seems to me to be where the trouble comes in. Some people of course do not post these threads because of that reason. There may be several other areas where volume could be a problem and an irritation to many who don't normally raise objections to BS. I would hope that what I am offering is a practical solution to such problems as well as perhaps allow others to develop new areas.

As for needs, the most basic of all is courtesy, it is rather better than the "if you don't like it f*** off" atitude that whether you like it or not tends to be given more from certain members of this forum than others. This in itself provides good reason for feelings over a dominating heirarchy and provokes some of the nasty behavoiur from others.

You mentioned Max's design as a reason for this place being like it is. Is it unreasonable for someone else to suggest that the same design MAY be in part responsible for the "pure music" and the BSers not getting on? I realise it won't change and we have to make do with what we have but I still consider my opinion valid and only an opinion, I have not proposed any such change.

Re starting another music forum, it could be done (not by me) but I don't see that solving anything. Perhaps one day, it will happen if too many people leave but there are good reasons for people to remain here.
