The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37626   Message #527919
Posted By: GUEST
14-Aug-01 - 02:54 PM
Thread Name: This site is NOT like all the rest.
Subject: RE: This site is NOT like all the rest.
I think guests who complain about always being flamed because they're a guest long enough to irritate people who then flame them because of what they say, NOT because they're a guest, then act like the injured party are sorta disfunctional.

Then they start loads of threads, with a chip placed squarely on their shoulder. Its SO obvious. It gives the rest of us who are really just trying to get along without cookies a bad name. Or a bad non-name.

I think that the guest who keeps complaining about being abused is just looking for attention. And he seems to be in here all the time.

How many times does a person have to say hit me before they realize they have a problem. And how come they like hanging out in a place they seem to hate. It's just WEIRD.

I like this place a lot and even tho I can't come to Mudcat very often nobody ever made me feel bad here until this guest made every thread hes in to be about HIM. And everybody still keeps fighting with him and that's like beating up somebody who wants you to beat him up and it's weird too.