The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37802   Message #528534
Posted By: SharonA
15-Aug-01 - 12:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: For my Cyberstalker
Subject: RE: BS: For my Cyberstalker
Even if the harrasser's account is yanked, I'm sure (s)he would find other ways to get on-line and continue the harrassment (talk about your negative energy! This person needs to take up knitting, or something, to burn up all that angst in a more constructive way).

I got a private message from Joe Offer last week (while I was on vacation), and I'm guessing that some other people got the same message too, requesting that I/we NOT discuss in threads the METHODS that flamers use to do their dirty work (the technical stuff, that Joe tries to undo) and especially the methods that Joe and the joeclones use to combat the flamers (that flamers then read on the threads, and find ways to work around in order to carry on their "mission").

So, please, let's also be very careful when we start talking publicly about "options" we ourselves can employ to combat the flamers. I suggest what Joe suggested to me: communicate ANY suggestions of courses of action VIA PRIVATE MESSAGE.

Remember that all public threads are there for ANYONE to read. Not to be paranoid er nuthin'... but if I were a knight, I wouldn't say anything about the chinks in my armor, nor about my battle strategy & tactics, within hearing range of the guy I was jousting with.
