The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37734   Message #528987
Posted By: Rick Fielding
16-Aug-01 - 12:15 AM
Thread Name: From deep in the archives.
Subject: RE: From deep in the archives.
The Horton Barker album (scratchy and tattered though it is) is still one of my favourite listens.

Having read EVERY magazine in Sandy's Library bedroom....and having an amazing memory for stuff that interests me (and none for anything else) I can ask some "archival" questions.

#1.What song was on the cover of the first issue of Sing Out?

#2.What was the later "controversy" about it's lyric?

#3.What was one of the co-writers' attempt to smoothe things over?

#3.What instrument was Frank Hamilton playing in the picture accompanying the article about the Old Town School of Folk music?

#4.Who was "Hoot'n Lil"?

#5.Most people know that Seeger's 12 string was made my Stan Francis of Liverpool....but what 12 did he play BEFORE that?

#6.Who wrote and sang a song about GARLIC?

#7.One cover featured someone's hands. Who's?

#8.What did this magnificent singer and player use for a capo?

#9.One of the world's finest luthiers was on the cover of one issue. Who?

#10.What song from my Folk-Legacy Album "Lifeline" was printed in the magazine? (no it's not a shameless plug! I didn't WRITE the song....but the subject of a current Mudcat thread DID!)

All the info needed here can be found in various issues of Sing Out, and I know they're Sandy, even the experts are welcome to join in. After all I GOT the stuff from reading YOUR copies.
