The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37734   Message #529886
Posted By: Nancy King
17-Aug-01 - 12:27 AM
Thread Name: From deep in the archives.
Subject: RE: From deep in the archives.
Quiz-wise, it looks like I'm outclassed here. Unlike Sandy, I don't have a complete run of Sing Out! and unlike Rick I haven't memorized them! (BG)

I have 1963 and '64, plus a few earlier, and another several years' worth from the 1970s. I'd forgotten about the "soundsheet" records bound into the magazine in the '70s! What a deal! The one with the hands on the cover isn't among the ones I can find at this point, but I can see it in memory. Just can't remember who it was...

Kat, you're a great guesser, but I'm surprised you've never seen Sing Out! (the exclamation point is part of the title). It was pretty much THE magazine of the '60s Folk Scare -- perhaps that was before your time! The magazine was already over 10 years old then, and it still continues today. (I think. Right, guys?) I have sometimes seen vendors selling back issues at folk festivals. They're really a goldmine of songs and lore.

As for Rick's questions, for all I know some of the answers are in the issues I have. But I'm with Sandy -- too lazy/busy to search through them. But I'd like to know the answers! and which issues, please...

Cheers, Nancy