The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37895   Message #530351
Posted By: GUEST,folktraveller
17-Aug-01 - 03:42 PM
Thread Name: Kathy Westra, and others like her.
Subject: Kathy Westra, and others like her.
I just had a long talk with one of the best friends that folk music in the Wahington area could have. She'd be embarassed to get singled out like this, but it's true. She's one of those thoughtful generous folks who happily puts music travellers up at her place, treats them like gold, acts as chauffeur and tour guide, and even if she's not feeling great has a smile for everyone. Bravo Kath, I say, and thanks.

My guess is that probably every town has at least one, and probably more folks like Kath. Some sing, some play, some organize, and they make the 'folk community' what it is.

Any other candidates in your area?