The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37802   Message #530566
Posted By: GUEST,_gargoyle
17-Aug-01 - 09:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: For my Cyberstalker
Subject: RE: BS: For my Cyberstalker
Look folks, take it from someone, who has been, (UNJUSTLY) on the "receiving-end" of being accussed of being a malivolent soul.

IF.....a "stalker" was truly malicious....they would do TRULY malicious things: i.e.

Joe has done a nice job of "tightening" things up...but....TRY THIS:

Sorry, Gargoyle, I think I'd rather not have people try that. There are all sorts of ways people can screw up this website and any other website. If people are mean enough to want to vandalize this site, I don't particularly want to give them instructions. We try to keep this site reasonably secure, but every site has flaws. A lot of people enjoy this place - please don't try to ruin it.
Your so-called "other school of thought" would have us spend all our money on bigger guns and better burglar alarms to protect ourselves from unseen enemies. Sorry - I'd rather put my effort into music.
-Joe Offer 19 August 2001, 6:35 PM-

It is a fun-way to learn more about how computer systems work....and it is expescially appealing to pimple plucking pukes on long-dull-summer days.

Now there are those who believe that the posting of ideas promotes...copycat replication....THESE FOLK ALSO don't innoculate their own children.

The "Other School of Thought" believes that through public discussion and disclosure the weaknesses will be "innoculated" and the SECURITY tightened to prevent "tinkering with the machinery"

You know....we could start a BS "thread game" and after "cracking" the identity cookie number post it to the thread....with the attached name...then we could all become everyone else.

OK...the time is currently 10:00 p.m. EST Friday, August 17, 2001. How long will this "game-plan" remain posted?

Your most humble of servants _Gargoyle