The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8514   Message #53078
Posted By: katlaughing
09-Jan-99 - 07:46 PM
Thread Name: How many hours do you "mudcat"?
Subject: How many hours do you
Since we're baring our souls ala professions, gender and age, I thought it might also be interting to tote up the hours/days/weeks/months/years or any other frame of reference to time you'd like to get an average of how much time we all spend mudcattin' around on-line. I'll start by saying I have a hard time not checking my tracers at elast once per day. If I get on and get into a thread, I usually wind up spending a good two hours, depending on the time of day; late at night, wee hours of the mornin' can find me on a lot longer, and I've only been a mudcat for a couple of weeks! Maybe there should be a caution listed at the top:

WARNING: Mudcatting has been shown to be addictive. This addiction may cause a bleariness of eyesight, spousal discord, and other maladies. Going cold turkey may bring on a host of other problems, including but not limited to: deleriums tremens, dry-mouth, plucky fingers, furtive glances and the irressistable urge to break out in song! PROCEED AT YOUR OWN PERIL!

All in fun!
