The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37895   Message #530828
Posted By: Big Mick
18-Aug-01 - 02:02 PM
Thread Name: Kathy Westra, and others like her.
Subject: RE: Kathy Westra, and others like her.
I can't believe I never thought to start this thread. I met Kath at FSGW and was immediately smitten. This is one of those rare people whose heart almost doesn't have room inside her. She is from my home town and on her visits home to take care of her Da, she stays with us. To say I love her seems like such an understatement. Some of us are aware of how this great heart gets taken advantage of from time to time, but still it goes on.

I would also like to mention some others. Sandy and Caroline are like the parents of a musical community that touches many of us. They are amazing spirits that God sends among us from time to time to remind us that our legacy as bards is timeless and unbroken.

Karen K, now this is a person that I cannot say enough good about. Her smile lights up any room she is in. Need help? She will be there as fast as she can be there. No questions asked. Events in her past could have easily turned her into a person full of hate. This great spirit chose instead to walk the path of love, tenderness, and caring. It is why I love being in her presence.

The New England Mudcatters/folkies are wonderful bunch and have shown me wonderful hospitality. Bat Goddess and Curmudgeon (Tom and Lin) have made me feel welcome and a part of it all while I have been here. Thanks. Barry and Justine, same stuff. I love you guys, and thanks for watching out for me. And, of course, our darling Jeri. She is something special. Thanks for going to dinner last night, my friend.

How about Rick Fielding and Heather? One cannot help but be in awe of the wonderful folk community in Toronto, and at the head of the van is Rick and Heather. His willingness to help us to become better musicians is legendary.

Kath, one is known by the friends they keep. You are clearly a blessing, just by this alone.

All the best,

Mick (still in Boston)