The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37895   Message #530887
Posted By: catspaw49
18-Aug-01 - 05:42 PM
Thread Name: Kathy Westra, and others like her.
Subject: RE: Kathy Westra, and others like her.
I'm not sure what to say here about Kath. I have been on the receiving end of her kindness and I know what others have felt. I also know her dep feelings for many things and people, Sandy and Caroline not being the least of them. Her correspondence with me has always had that same caring quality that people know so well, and yet she, like a few others, are quite quiet in their generosity of feelings......Which is why I am overjoyed to see such a thread.

Like the first post said, she'd be embarassed to be singled out and I would never go into details in public of my good feelings for the things I know she does, and has done for me............But thanks Kath. I owe you more than a virtual hug, but it's the best I can do at the moment. We'll see if I can't rectify that situation and give you a real Spaw hug one Saturday in October.

Mick mentions some others and I wouldn't even want to start...........Where to begin? And the end would be a long time coming........and I'd miss someone great sure as hell! I got lots of hugs to give out........
