The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37366   Message #531028
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
19-Aug-01 - 01:53 AM
Thread Name: Sidmouth now?
Subject: RE: Sidmouth now?
HEy Dougboywonder - you are spot on with this.... "I have never seen even the most amateur rock band make such bizarre requests of a sound man..." I've commented on such goings on in other threads (look out for June Tabor..... hint hint)

It's the higher up the ranks they go, the more absurd the requests get. I've done some lighting schemes and I tell you, the weirdest has been a rose spot (the person was quite pale and wanted to look warm and healthy - it just made him look sweaty) on a green backdrop.... it was great because as he moved about he went from sweaty to dead, and I'm sure the spot pusher was slowing down deliberately.... (poor spot pusher had been on the receiving end of his verbals..... not a happy spot pusher!).

Only the true greats (Jake Thackeray and the Carthys to name drop) have been more than happy to let us get on with it.... Tony Benn just made one request, which was for a table to put his flask of tea on!!