The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37944   Message #531364
Posted By: The Shambles
19-Aug-01 - 06:11 PM
Thread Name: Music Journalism. a Rant, nuthin' more!
Subject: RE: Music Journalism. a Rant, nuthin' more!
'A little knowledge is a dangerous thing'.

A journalist will have a series empty spaces to fill in their magazine/paper. Many people reading it will probably know more about the subject matter than the writer does.

When it comes to folk music journalists, they tend to fall into the trap of feeling they have to do it the same way as rock, clasical or jazz journalists do. So you have fashions, genres and trends instead of just people making music. Those people are then fitted into the genres created, the ones that don't fit well are usually just forgotten.

Very little of what is written is actually about the music, as that is more difficult than just writing, not very accuratly, about the people that make it.

I gave up trying to read FROOTS, long ago, as it just made me angry...End of rant.