The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37944   Message #531404
Posted By: Dicho (Frank Staplin)
19-Aug-01 - 07:26 PM
Thread Name: Music Journalism. a Rant, nuthin' more!
Subject: RE: Music Journalism. a Rant, nuthin' more!
Gareth has put it clearly and simply. Oversimplification, distortion, emphasis of minor (but mind-catching ) facts are a natural product of journalism in mass media news. No one will read a detailed, accurate article- they want a print bite or a sound bite. This applies to any aspect of the news. Reporting of legal issues is perhaps worst of all. Be glad that something is being said, whether classed as "roots", "alternative" or whatever- it may stir someone's interest and cause them to look deeper into the subject. I suspect that some shallow, inaccurate articles were what first stirred my interest in something that wasn't top 50 or whatever.