The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8332   Message #53198
Posted By: Tim Jaques
10-Jan-99 - 03:59 PM
Thread Name: Molly Bawn/Polly Vaughn.. How many do you know?
Subject: RE: Molly Bawn.. How many do you know?
Mick, I used to have Molly Bawn, with the words as above, on a Ryan's Fancy LP. I don't think I have it any more. Unfortunately nothing by them is out on CD, except for one unauthorized CD with bad sound.

I can't remember any more of the lyrics except snippets "She was young and beautiful" (what loves in folk songs are anything but?:)) and something about "The days I spent with Molly Bawn/A-boating on Lochree(sp)"

The song about the lady shot as a swan I do have, and could probably dig it out. There are variants of this in the data base under Molly Bawn and Polly Vaughn. I'll see if I can locate the tape I have this on.