The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37944   Message #532060
Posted By: Peter T.
20-Aug-01 - 06:12 PM
Thread Name: Music Journalism. a Rant, nuthin' more!
Subject: RE: Music Journalism. a Rant, nuthin' more!
Hey Rick, the name is spelled Emmylou. Couldn't resist. I noticed that "Rank Strangers" thing -- and we are talking about the New Yorker which prides itself on never making a mistake. I just sighed and went on, put it down to natural human error from which none are free. But mistakes in the basic idea are different (like your reference to Ralph's singing history). That is when the whole credibility of the writer dies: if they can't figure this out, then what hope is there. I notice that the New York Times reporter (can't think of his name) who does Nashville has a pretty good track record.

The article that is really scary in that issue is Nick Hornsby's on the current Top 10. It is a cliche to say that the next generation shocks the previous one, but I admit that this stuff is pretty grim. What can you make of a song called "Independent Woman" in the top 10, beating up on women, which goes: "Shut your motherfucking mouth and show us your tits?" (I apologise, I am just quoting the New Yorker (!)).

Especially as these songs are what will be in my students' heads come September. They will be gone come October, replaced by new ones, but the trend is not upward....

yours, Peter T.