The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37972   Message #533097
Posted By: GUEST,
22-Aug-01 - 06:42 AM
Thread Name: Explain Clawhammer, please?
Subject: RE: Explain Clawhammer, please?
could you repeat that last message. Thankyou. I play ukulele banjo in any style I can duplicate. An old boy showed me how to do a split stroke, which breaks up the plonk of 2/4 or 4/4. A few weeks later he said "OH. You're still doing it that way?" I thought I was doing what he'd shown me. In fact I was. Only it took me a while to realise what he'd actually shown me. Practice. Practice. And if you don't like the sound.. Play quietly. Yours Fragrantly, Smiffy