The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38028   Message #533654
Posted By: Coyote Breath
22-Aug-01 - 08:52 PM
Thread Name: Wildwood flower lyric question
Subject: RE: Wildwood flower lyric question
Hmmm. Amanita as in Amanita Panthera? Or Amanita Muscaria?

I always thought it was Amelita. Which is a flower, not a mushroom. (A. Panthera is also known as "The Destroying Angel" and A. Muscaria is known as the "Fly Agaric". Muscaria is latin (or at least I have been told) for "fly" as in the Italian "mosca".

The Pale Amelita with eyes of bright blue

or was it The pale Amelita with Islip so blue?

why are Carter words so hard to fathom?