The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38012   Message #533662
Posted By: Uncle Jaque
22-Aug-01 - 09:07 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Downfall of Paris?
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Downfal of paris?
In the Fife-&-Drum Corps, "Downfall" is a well known piece. It is a real challange to perform flawlessly on both instruments and to keep a Corps together on it - but a corker of a "jam" tune. The big bass drum hammers out all of the rudiments that the snares do, with the general exception of the roll, and really thunders through Downfall. It hits you like a musical grande finale at the fireworks, and the crowds love it. It can also get you pretty winded on the march, don't you know.

The example linked to by Sorcha is definitely a somewhat primative cousin to it, but as a Military quickstep it is done much faster than the MIDI plays it there, and with a lot of machine-gun staccatos in the upper register, ripper triplets, turns and repeats of A thru C parts, and lots of wind. It is a bit of a "show-off" piece in that it takes a fairly well accomplished fifer or Drummer to pull it off competently. I, alas, rarely do so.

Frankly, I am rather glad that there are no English lyrics to it, much as I little mourn the extinction of the dinosaurs. fool that i can on occasion be, I might try singing it in the shower and asphyixiate (or drown) myself in the attempt.