The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8426   Message #53392
Posted By: Hank
11-Jan-99 - 10:25 AM
Thread Name: banned songs
Subject: RE: banned songs

Someone please tell my sister that disco is dead. While your at it, tell the rest of the girls I know who were born in the 1970's that disco is dead.
thank you

As for banning things, it isn't quite as simple as some of you make it out to be. During Prohibition in the US consumption of alachol did drop. People did drink less often. BUT, and this is a big but, because you couldn't get it legally and there wasn't popular support for a total ban (the hard liqures might have been supported, might) people who wanted to drink paid more to do so, and they had to go to the crooks to get it. Thus the crooks made it big selling and trading alachol for big money, and they were not above violance, whereas a liquer store today uses price then they used guns to get the other stores out of buiness.

The point is banning something does drop the use of the banned idea/substance. You do however have to expect that the black market will grow for everything you ban, and of course the black market isn't against violence unlike most people. It is a trade off. Personally I feel something are worth the violence, and some are not.