The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38243   Message #536606
Posted By: Wolfgang
28-Aug-01 - 04:46 AM
Thread Name: Single man's warning
Subject: Single man's warning
Right now I'm doing a transcription of Single man's warning as sung by 'Young Tradition'. It is not too difficult so I'm not asking for help with the lyrics (unless someone has it already in computerised form). If I'm finished I'll post them here. But there is one question that bothers me:

I'm fairly sure that I have seen a similar or close version of these lyrics under another title and I can't find it. Yes, I know that 'Poor man's labour' or '(When) I was a young man' describe the same marital situation but I'm thinking of something even closer. Please help my memory. Here's a bit of the lyrics so you know what I'm talking about:

Single man's warning

Come all you young men that are going to be wed
don't be caught like a bird with a small piece of bread
I will have you being careful in choosing a wife
for when you are trapped you'll remember it for life.

verse 2 a squallor is born

verse 3 breakfast is not made when man comes home

verse 4 wife lies snoring 'like a pig in the sty' and says go make breakfast yourself

verse 5 same happens 'when dinnertime comes'

verse 6 Oh if I could be but single again...
how happy is he that avoided a wife.

I've tried a couple of phrases but haven't found yet under which other title I have heard basically the same song.
