The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38230   Message #536659
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
28-Aug-01 - 07:57 AM
Thread Name: From Max: Possible Future of The Mudcat
Subject: RE: From Max: Possible Future of The Mudcat
. As everyone has said, you've created a marvelous resource here but it is less important than your own career.

I know what you mean Roger the skiffler. But I think that undervalues what Max has achieved here. It's a bit like saying to an artist "don't worry about the paintings - they aren't as important as your career as a teacher/entrepreneur/bankd manager".

Max has got to look after himself, and he shouldn't feel weighed down by feeling he's got the responsibility to carry the Mudcat. But what he has given us here is important. And in terms of what it could be, it's still only beginning.