The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7439 Message #536743
Posted By: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull
28-Aug-01 - 10:44 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat(THE WORLD) Let us know Pt. II
Subject: RE: Mudcat(THE WORLD) Let us know Pt. II
Hi All, I didn't see this thread the first time round, so here goes.My name is John Evans, I am 32 years old and I live in Kingston upon Hull, Yorkshire, UK.I work as a hot food delivery driver, in a local take-away, altough I am a qualiffied chef, and part qualified baker.Hull is a city full of history, it has just celabrated it's 700th birtday ,the English Civil War started in Hull.I live in "The Avenues" area of Hull, there is a good folk music scene here, with folk music or sessions happening every night of the week.I have lived in Hull all my life, although I was born in Beverley, wich is 7 miles north of Hull, until I was 5 years old I lived in Cottingham, wich is 3 miles west of Hull.I play Tin Whistle, although I am not much good! But I am practising.I have been a member of Mudcat for nearly 6 months now, I really enjoy it.john