The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38230   Message #536768
Posted By: GUEST,PeteBoom (at work)
28-Aug-01 - 12:09 PM
Thread Name: From Max: Possible Future of The Mudcat
Subject: RE: From Max: Possible Future of The Mudcat
Jaysus, Mick, let a man get a word in edgewise....

Max, hang in there (look for a PM later today if the boss isn't looking over my shoulder). Life is no fun sometimes - which is part of the reason most of us have work to do. Not that that makes much sense (just got out of a meeting, can ya tell?)

The thing is, if you're doin' what ya love to do and things don't work financially, that is sometimes a bigger blow to the ego than to the pocketbook (been there, got the t-shirt). For that you have my sympathy.

I'm new to the group, but rather old in other ways - ANYWAY.

Right - those going to the Wheatland Music Fest weekend after this coming, hands up, we'll pass the hat and see if the bosses object to me putting up a sign outside the Recycling Tent, where I work when at the festival (and I'm not playing music, singing, drinking and generally carousing).

Regards -
