The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38230   Message #536784
28-Aug-01 - 12:41 PM
Thread Name: From Max: Possible Future of The Mudcat
Subject: RE: From Max: Possible Future of The Mudcat
Catspaw sez as ta how y'all got some problemz withen yer bizness and I wanted ta tell ya' that I know thingz iz gonna be OK fer ya. Aint nuthin a man caint get by seppin mebbee dyin an thet kinda thing, an it seemz like Catspaw bin doin purty fair at avoidin that too! Iffen ya recallz, me an Paw an the Reg Boyz bin in an outta a couple of differin bizness vencherz an we iz thinkin on anuthern so weeunz iz in bout the same way az yall.

We tried ta make a go of the Guide thing but sinz nobuddy brung no gud gittarz it dint do nun too well. After I got outta' thet Neil Young Center an all, we all went ta work atrine ta make a go of the condom bizness. I still think thet one wuz a right more than fair idea with all the Mudcatter Designer Condoms an all. We ran inta sum problemz with the Rick Fielding Model what with the rosewood trim an the abbaloney inlays, but a lot uv them wuzza goin purty good. Like the Art Thieme Model with a bad pun on every one wuz no problem at all senz Art aint never run outta bad puns. We had a gud time with the thing til I axsidently blew up the latex machine an covered Paw like a giant rubber. We pullt him outta it an filled the thing with plaster uv Paris an had us a great statue uv Paw bent over an flarin one off. Course the factory went an blowed up too an sinz nobuddy wanted the statue uv Paw, we wuz down an out agin.

Then came the AssParagus farm an I tell ya' with all them folks alayin round with the shitz, an asparagus growin out thair ass, it shur wuzza mess. We gru sum reel nice assparagus but nobuddy seem ta want ta buy it senz they sed it smelt right awful.

Catspaw wuddint let us keep on with our relijus icon bizness when Paw scorched the outline uv Jerry falwell on Catspaw's garage wall. I thot we hadda reel thing goin thair but Catspaw dun run us off an he wuz purty mad bout havin ta pay ta hav hiz wall cleaned an for his nabors garden gnomes which got trampled by all them folks whut came ta see the farted Falwell.

Now our last bizness iz one whut you oughta give sum thot to. "Crappers 'R Us" wuzza goin reel good up until Paw wuzza showin the Reg Boyz all about fart lightin an the 4 uv em blew the wallz outta 4 uv our best crappers. We only had one left an one day when we wuzza loadin it up the wheel locks let go an the thing wenta rollin off. Paw wuz inside at the time an the thing got ta goin reel fast down the road with Paw a scoochin thiz way an thet atrine ta butt-steer the thing. He wuz doin right gud too til thet big curve down by Ol Man Rafferty's place where he went offfen the road an down over the hill through all them scrub cedars. Paw got hiz private parts pretty racked up them an he lost his harmonica too. But then the crapper dun crashed into Ol Man Raffertys Buick an he come out a hollerin an a screamin with that stogie stuck in the corner uv hiz mouth. That's when the reel problem happint. See, when it stopped, Paw wuz thown out an he ripped off a huge fart. Ol Man Raffertys seegar lit up the fumes an thair wuz a temendous explosion which blew up the crapper, the Buick, an Raffertys garage.

So ya see right now we are at loose ends too but as you can see iffen ya jest keep on atrine, thingz will alwayz work out. Look at us!!! Iffen ya' need enny help yall jes feel free ta axk.