The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38230   Message #536844
Posted By: Allan C.
28-Aug-01 - 02:25 PM
Thread Name: From Max: Possible Future of The Mudcat
Subject: RE: From Max: Possible Future of The Mudcat

I could drone on endlessly about the friendships I have made here. I could spend a lot of time talking about all of the cool stuff I have learned here. I could mention the inspiration you instilled in Annap (Annamill) to have the first, huge, open-to-all-Mudcats gathering. I could discuss how Mudcat gatherings have now become almost commonplace (but still amazing!). I could expound upon the utter coolness of the Mudcat Radio Show. I could bend your ear about what wonders I encountered when I attended my first FSGW Getaway. I could tell you tales of the behind-the-scenes generosities and philanthropic acts of some of the 'Catters. And of course, I could spend hours and hours relating stories of the Adventure I had with Bill.

But the fact is, you already know almost all there is to know about all of those things and so there is no need for me to babble on about them.

What I do want to remind you of is that you are a member of this community you have created. This community cares about those who comprise it. Therefore, we care about you. Never, ever forget that. We love you, guy, no matter what the future may bring.

One of the things I have learned over the years is that even when things get bad; (and they always will from time to time,) they also always get better - eventually. Without valleys there can be no peaks.