Wow! Mike. You *live* in Carrick Fergus??? Woah. I love the tune. My favorite version is (unfortunately) Van Morrisons. My friends think I'm a nutter.In any case.
I live in the burbs of the Nations Capital. The folk scene in this area is a thriving one. Within a do-able drive, one can go to see a great many differing styles of folk music, to include Seamas in Annapolis, and the Mayor of Baltimores own band, "O'Malleys March" when he has time from his active Mayoral duties. And, much as some might say they're not great, they really don't suck at all, and are a lot of fun to watch. There are folkies from all over that occasionally flit through town, both big BIG bands and the smaller ones that are out to make a name for themselves. I perform locally with my band, and occasionally do some studio work for friends. I have been singing folk now for nearly 20 years.
I live in a very wooded area (for the burbs, you understand). We are near the city, but without all the city BS (well, mostly without it). The weather can be anything from Hotter than hell and more moist than the Atlantic, to colder than Pluto, and as dry as the desert. Recently though, the weather has been nothing but pleasant and wonderful. This would be season 2 of a fairly temperate summer. The one thing I would change is the pace. This city runs like it's on amphetamines. The only place worse that I have ever personally seen is the NY stock exchange floor. I wish things were a little more mellow, but that is a pipe dream. If I want calmer, I know I am going to have to move.