The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32340 Message #537159
Posted By: toadfrog
28-Aug-01 - 10:12 PM
Thread Name: any new mondegreens?
Subject: RE: any new mondegreens?
Now, I really like these verses from "My Lagan Love," which are from the liner notes of Margaret Barry, I Sang through the Fair" (Alan Lomax Collection). The notes are by one Matthew Barton, although the story would be much better than if Lomax himself had written them. Clearly, Barton listened to the disk and wrote it down the way it sounded, rather than go to the original. .
And like a love-sick lemon, She has my heart in thrall; No life I own, nor liberty, For love is lord of all.
And often when the beetles' horns Have lulled the eve to sleep, I steal into her [unintelligible], And there, adoring, peep!
I must say I like the mondegreenized version better than the original, it's kinda racy and fraught with mystery.