The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38260   Message #537432
Posted By: GeorgeH
29-Aug-01 - 10:14 AM
Thread Name: Write an Email for Shambles? Part 2
Subject: RE: Write an Email for Shambles? Part 2
Firstly . . if you email and get a "fob-off" reply then you should reply to it (IMO) - and continue doing so until you are satisfied with the outcome.

Secondly, the argument about "Amateur PELs" is both a nonsense and a non-starter! The PEL legislation is for protecting the public - from danger and nuisance. Whether the performance is amateur or professional hardly enters into this! In any case, a PEL relates to either a venue or a combination of venue/activity. I believe the council's argument is that the pub should have a PEL, not that the organisers of the session should apply for a PEL every time they want to run an event (certainly this is the line which has been taken elsewhere).

The arguement must surely be that a group of people coming together to play some tunes or sing some songs do not constitute an entertainment in the terms of the act; rather they are individuals engaging in social activities (and whose human rights in this respect, as enshrined in the European Convention, are being infringed by the council's incorrect interpretation of the law).

As others have pointed out, Councils are entitled (and, in practice, expected) to set PEL fees which cover the not inconsiderable costs involved. Remember every PEL application has to be commented on by the Police, Fire Service and the Council's own Environmental Health Department. In those authorities where I've been involved in applying for such licences I have to say the costs have not been unreasonable.
