The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38260   Message #537537
Posted By: The Shambles
29-Aug-01 - 12:39 PM
Thread Name: Write an Email for Shambles? Part 2
Subject: RE: Write an Email for Shambles? Part 2
The arguement must surely be that a group of people coming together to play some tunes or sing some songs do not constitute an entertainment in the terms of the act; rather they are individuals engaging in social activities (and whose human rights in this respect, as enshrined in the European Convention, are being infringed by the council's incorrect interpretation of the law).

The existing exemption could apply, if the council's would accept this idea that a member of the public (under no obligation to perform) would always be an individual, no matter how many individuals there were present.

They would never form a 'conventional' group of performers, larger than a duo, for conventional entertainment purposes, would they?....What do you think?