The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37706   Message #537843
Posted By: Barry Finn
29-Aug-01 - 09:36 PM
Thread Name: Micca at the Getaway?
Subject: RE: Micca at the Getaway?
Hi SharonA, the answer to one of your questions. There are a few places to get together & play/sing in large groups & these numbers dwindle as the night goes on & then late in the cabins you might find smaller groups (at least in the one I was in) but there's a good amount of music that goes on, I'm a newbee only being there the last 2 times, others should be able to bring you more up to speed.

Hi Mick, just to let you know, I got a PM from chanteyranger, he did say that Pam was coming but didn't say about Dave one way or another. Sing you there