The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8550   Message #53791
Posted By: gargoyle
12-Jan-99 - 11:18 PM
Thread Name: What brand condoms do Mudcatters prefer.
Subject: RE: What brand condoms do Mudcatters prefer.
Despite my love of, dead cat, and gutteral-pig-sound-songs...(or perhaps because of my love of the same) and considering myself somewhat of a "prude" this thread was entered with hesitation and trepidation. However, the nobelist intents to keep the thread's course within the bounds of the "Mudcat Mission" and the "Thread Topic" have elicited the some vocal bursts of hilarity (as a very somber person)that I have sledom experienced in many years of "netting." There are some "classics" here...but Kirs "this may throw up new veiw points" expresses it well.

It is with regret that I morn the, hopfully, transitory/momentary, departure of my dearest, most honorable, gracious, kind and benevolent Mr. B.Seed since this is precisely the type of thread he would have relished.

In the interest of a lyrical tradition:

An old man using a condom
Found he could never get a good bone.
But with a rubber band
It grew simply grand
Now his wife cannot leave it alone.