The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38342   Message #538681
Posted By: catspaw49
30-Aug-01 - 11:40 PM
Thread Name: Cool things to do in St. Louis?
Subject: RE: Cool things to do in St. Louis?
Jim, I certainly agree and the main reason I went there was more for the history than the mall part, although I did eat once at a pretty decent place there.

In one of the archways there is one of those wonderful acoustic wonders where you can whisper into the wall on one side and be heard by someone facing the arch wall on the other.

BTW, the Union Station in Indianapolis is pretty neat too. Where I live in Columbus, we had a beautiful depot but rather than go the route of Indy and St. Louis, they demolished it for a new convention center and arena for the dubious distinction of bringing in a major league hockey franchise.

Speaking of depots (thread creeping away), back home (for me) in Dennison, Ohio is a very historical old depot that you might find interesting. During WWII they had a fre volunteer canteen that served over one and a half million GI's travelling by train. The Glenn Miller song "Dreamsville, Ohio" was about Dennison.
