The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38409   Message #539548
Posted By: GUEST,Dewey
01-Sep-01 - 07:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: Are Bio-genetic foods safe?
Subject: Are Bio-genetic foods safe?
Are biogenetic food safe? I've been hearing a lot of talk about this in the news lately. Greenpeace demanding genetic foods be labeled. The European Union refusing to import Bio-genetic U.S. Food Sources.

The concerns of genetic food patents by giant multi-national corporations, cross-pollenation concerns over experimental hybirds mixing with organic strains. Cows suplimented with growth hormons etc.

Is this concern real? I'd like to hear from anyone with ACUTAL experience and education on this (farmers, biologists etc.) The FDA doesn't seem to be too concerned. But Europe Does?

Gosh this is a puzzling issue. Don't know where I stand on this one. But I do want to learn as much as I can about it. I like everyone else have this daily need of having to get something from the supermarket to nurish my body with. It would be nice to know for certain that the product I am purchasing will not harm me in any way. Am not saying that it will or won't. Just puzzled about this, and understand very little about the process upon which the safety of this food is determined.
