The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38419   Message #539778
Posted By: Gareth
01-Sep-01 - 03:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Geographic Satisfaction.
Subject: Geographic Satisfaction.
This stems from the Great tunes thread.

I've a home compilation tape in the car, it includes Pete Seegers rendition of the "Bells of Rhymney" recorded at Newport.(God knows where and when it was compiled, I found it in a boot sale.)

Travelling between Caerphilly and Swansea every working day. I get a tear to my eye playing that through Swansea, Neath, Rhymney, Merthyr Tudvill, and Caerphilly, with occasional diversions via Cardiff, Newport, Blaina, Rhondda and Wye ( Have I missed any ?)

Mind you, the most satisfaction I have had out of a tape in a Car was playing "Captain Sensible's" version of Betjemans Poem "Come Friendly Bombs and fall on Slough" whilst driving through Slough and Maidenhead ( also mentioned in the poem)- whilst diverted off the M4 (Major traffic crunch) after picking up Number 2 Sister from Heathrow.

Have any other Catters had a similar feeling - Playing a tape, or singing something, in a suitable location, that gave you a wicked satisfaction ?



Slough - an appalling 1930's expansion of London to the West.

Maidenhead - an equally appalling 1930's middleclass comuter town - full of mock Tudor pretentions

M4 - The Motorway (freeway) between London, Bristol and South Wales.

Heathrow - The main Airport for London,just off th