The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38412   Message #540010
Posted By: GUEST,Just Wondering
02-Sep-01 - 12:12 AM
Thread Name: Lesbians, Gays and folk music
Subject: RE: Lesbians, Gays and folk music
Great thread. May I add my two cents worth? Maybe lesbians have had a need to ID with a particular type of music in order to "thin end of the wedge" because of the restrictions imposed by society on women in general. By that I mean that gay males have never been restricted in their ability to express themselves culturally (at least in the west) because they have always played such a huge part in creating general culture - have been so productive in all areas of culture. Gay men, being men, have always had access to the same avenues of expression as straight men. The history books are full of gay male cultural super stars, who took their place alongside straight men. It is only recently that women have been allowed to contribute in a larger way to our cultural life, so maybe gay women find safety in numbers in a particular branch of that cultural life. Just another couple of comments : to nonPC49 - humanity will hardly die out due to non procreation by homosexuals; its more likely that over procreation by heterosexuals will be our downfall. I presume you also dissapprove of heterosexual couples who do not have children. Also, if non-procreation is abnormal, and gays not procreating would lead to extinction of the human speciesas as you fear, think on this: most animal species that have ever existed are extinct, so extinction is the "norm". Sorcha, not all gay males like or engage in anal sex - I read somewhere that about the same percentage of het men as homo men like and engage in anal sex with their partners. Sorry for going on so long.