The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38425   Message #540488
Posted By: wysiwyg
02-Sep-01 - 08:19 PM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Identify tune in Oxford Book of Carols
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Identify tune in Oxford Book of Car
Liland, I will grab him later this evening if I can.

I think I would set up that OBC melody and these words like this:

The Christ-child lay on Mary's lap,
His hair was like a light.

O weary, weary were the world,
But here is all aright.

O weary, weary were the world,
But here is all aright.
Tho weary, weary were the world,
Yet here is all aright!

It's such a pretty melody. I would do the chorus leader-response style, the people responding as indicated by the italics.

On a Saturday evening in Christmastide. *G*

By the third verse it would become all unison, with our people. They'll try anything new!
