The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38409   Message #540624
Posted By: Mark Cohen
03-Sep-01 - 04:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Are Bio-genetic foods safe?
Subject: RE: BS: Are Bio-genetic foods safe?
Thosp, that's a great site. I'd forgotten that Greenpeace was active in this area. CarolC, you make a very good point. Here in Hawaii we're currently fighting several introduced species, including Miconia (which could become the kudzu of the islands) and working diligently to prevent the introduction of the brown tree snake, which has already devastated Guam.

Many native Hawaiian bird species are now extinct as a result of predation by mongoose, which were introduced in the 19th century as a sure-fire cure for the islands' rat problem. The one thing those brilliant planners didn't take into account was that mongoose are active during the day, unlike rats, which are nocturnal creatures. So the mongoose, not finding any rats scurrying about, gorged on eggs. Bye bye, birdie!

However, as my references and thosp's references point out, GMO's are perfectly capable of doing damage even if they stay where they're supposed to.
