The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38411   Message #540925
Posted By: GUEST,AliUK on the comp at work
03-Sep-01 - 03:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Folk Politics
Subject: RE: BS: Folk Politics
Cllr. Yup bigotted and proud of it. My but we touched a nerve. I mean what "achievements"? The systematic destruction of the welfare state. The institution of schools that are no longer there for the best education that can be provided, but are now state-slightly-sanctioned elites. If you're in the wrong area you don't get a fair crack at an education. Sub-standard nursing and medical services ( the cuts were deep in the eighties. That wanker Blair is just more of the same ( his father was a Tory, no?). The almost paralysis of state built housing, the closing down of health inststuions which were substituted for so-called "care in the community". Shall I go on with the list? Cllr. I don't begrudge anyone their politics, but look to your leaders and ex-leaders and see with whom they associate ( Maggie/Pinochet need I say more?