The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27494   Message #541517
Posted By: Uncle Jaque
04-Sep-01 - 10:14 AM
Thread Name: NonMusic: Crime prevention - pleeeease
Subject: RE: NonMusic: Crime prevention - pleeeease
Yes, I understand that crime has flourished exponentially in the UK since all law-abiding potential victims have been disarmed and rendered essentially helpless, at the mercy of predatory thugs and vermin. Something like 44% at last count... or was that Austrailia, where a similar "public pacification" agenda was imposed on the hapless Subjects. Of course, criminals could care less about weapons prohibitions, and we are told that there are areas in GB where the street gangs roam about armed to the teeth with complete impunity, as even the "Bobbies" are too terrified to meddle with them. I can just about assure you, Fibula, that any valuables left behind were probably more than could be conveniently lugged away at the time, but they have been catalouged for future refference and the vermin (yep; that's what I call 'em, having been under the blue lights for a few years. Go ahead and call me "insensitive"; my sympathies go to the victim about every time) will be back for another load, if he has not done so already. The general precident is that this will continue until anything and everything of value (ie; readilly convertable into dope) is gone. Should the punk(s) find you at home on one of their excursions, good luck; thanks to your Socialist Utopian "leadership", you will essentially be at their mercy... if they have any. Don't count on it. Even if you do get extremely lucky with the spray-paint, chances are that you will be sued into bankrupcy anb poverty, and may well face criminal charges yourself. There is one fellow in England serving life imprisonment for having the audacity to defend his life and family from a crowbar-weilding thug one night after his home had been violated about 6 times and ransacked of nearly all possesions of any value.

So it's not just an issue of tactical capability of self-defence; the judicial and social situation has a lot to do with it. Where criminals are coddled, their "rights" more scrupiously protected than those of their victims, and "another chance" being routinely extended, one does not have to be a social scientist to predict that predation will be a popular enteprise. Socialists, Nazis, and other despots by the way, seem to work closely and well with the criminal element. It helps to keep dissenters in line without getting blood on the hands of the "leadership" elite (not that Stalin cared much about that), and gives rise to public outcry for government - supplied "law and order"... which they gladly provide once the little people have abdicated or been stripped of their rights of self-defence. It's popularly known as a "Police State", where pickpockets are summarily hung, the trains run on time, and you'd damnwell better keep your trap shut if you don't like the way things are being run. And oh, yes; don't be a Jew.

There is a reason why we have a Constitution and Bill of Rights here in the States, and a darned good reason for that much-maligned 2nd Ammendment which the Liberals so fervently yearn to destroy and us dinosaurs of the NRA struggle so tenaciously to defend. It has something to do with the fact that our family can sleep pretty well at night with only 2 little lapdogs and a mangy old cat keeping watch. Predatory vermin may be stoned, they may be crazy.. but most of them are smart enough to know that if they get caught kicking in the door of a Maine home, there is a pretty good chance that they will be going back out in a rubber bag at room temperature.

Makes me kinda glad that our Ancestors sent those redcoats packing back in the 1780's, eh wot?