The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38409   Message #542158
Posted By: Bert
04-Sep-01 - 11:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are Bio-genetic foods safe?
Subject: RE: BS: Are Bio-genetic foods safe?
Safe? For whom? If you're a Monarch Butterfly they are certaily NOT safe.

ONE of the things that they do, is to allow plants to generate their own insecticides (Which is why they are killing the butterflies). How about sprinkling a good helping of pyrethrins on your next meal?

Note: pyrethrins are natural insectides that are being used in place of the much more benign (to humans) DDT.

Now just what is the reasoning behind keeping this stuff secret? Don't you, as a consumer want to be able to find out what's in your food? I wonder why the scientists don't want you to find out.

Let us know what you are selling us and we can maybe make an informed decision on whether we want to buy or not.