The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27494   Message #542449
Posted By: M.Ted
05-Sep-01 - 10:36 AM
Thread Name: NonMusic: Crime prevention - pleeeease
Subject: RE: NonMusic: Crime prevention - pleeeease

The best way to prevent crime is to avoid situations and circumstances where you are vulnerable. You obviously live in an area where there are lot of burglaries--move to another area, where it is safer. Don't believe anyone that tells you it is the same everywhere--it isn't--There are actually relatively few "High Crime" areas, though if you listen to the likes of lovable old Uncle Jaque, you would think that no one is safe anywhere--

When you live in an area where you have to look over your shoulder all the time, the stress alone wears you out. It is like gambling in a casino--you may get lucky at first, but over time, the odds catch up with you--and you stop thinking about "if", and start thinking about "when"--Is it worth it to live like that?