The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27494   Message #543205
06-Sep-01 - 05:09 AM
Thread Name: NonMusic: Crime prevention - pleeeease
Subject: RE: NonMusic: Crime prevention - pleeeease
nyone trained in any of the traditional styles, Shotokan, Kempo,. Uichi-Ryu, Tai-Kwan-Do Go=Ju= Shorei, etc, would never put themselves in a polition where they could be drawn into a violent encounter. The guy in the park whouldn't have been in the park, by himself, if at all, and the guy who surprised the burglars should have turned around, fled and called the police. To quote the great Gichin Funakoshi, the father of modern Japanese Traditional Karate, "Karate is not about, 'who wins or loses' but the perfection of the characte of it's participants."
There is only one allowable reason to employ the physical aspects of our training, and that is, "In the Defense of Justice" If I were to use my skills for any other reason, such as to protect my property, or in answer to an insult, or to protect my wifes good name, NONE OF MY FRIENDS WOULD EVER SPEAK TO ME AGAIN. And, that includes allowing myself to be in a situation with a potential for violence.
You would not believe the deadly force that a human being is capable of when trained outside the "instinctive" way that men fight to see which one is stronger. The Chop-Sockey schools terach what they call "self defense tedchniques" which are overly elaborate series of movements that only work if the oponent does exactly what he is supposed to do. If there is no possible excape, and a true Karate-ka is forced to defend himself (or herself) from a knife weilding attacker, op group of attackers, it is absurdly easy to dislocate their respective kneecaps AND THEN RUN LIKE HELL. Without ever getting within knife weilding range. This leaves no permanent damage. Using "only enough and no more" to extricate oneself from a violent situation. could be excused if there is absolutely no alternative.

Look, Uncle Jaque, old friend, this is too complex a subject to adequately describe what real traditiopnal Karate is like in this post, so I'll send you a PM. and go into it more thoroughly. You might find this interesting enough to sign up in a TRADITIONAL shool.

Jody Gibson