The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38411   Message #543331
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
06-Sep-01 - 09:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Folk Politics
Subject: RE: BS: Folk Politics
You've just been savaged by a passing troll Cllr - one who very likely doesn't in fact give a damn about politics, but saw an opportunity to try and stir things up for fun. Most of us, if we want to argue about politics (and most Mudcatters don't very often) prefer to do it in a more constructive way.

Myself, I detest pretty well everything that Thatcher did. I suspect that, if I were a Conservative, I would probably detest it even more, seing her as destructive of so much that I would see as worth preserving. But personalising it all in "I hate Maggie" mode is pointless and trivialising.

I see her as a symptom, rather than a cause. She was in power because a lot of people liked what she said and what she did - many of whom have switched to support her admirer Tony Blair. Whatever blame there is for her "achievement" (and I think there is a great deal of blame)rests with those who supported her while she seemed useful to them.

Most people in the UK detested Thatcher throughout her years in power, in the same way that these days most people despise Blair.

Both of them owe their unrestrained power to a screwed up electoral system which consistently hands total power to parties which get a relatively modest number of votes.